8th International Workshop
on Top Quark Physics
Ischia, Italy14-18 September 2015
Contact: top2015@infn.it
Giacinto Gigante (Naples, 1806-1876), approx. 1825, Ischia's marina, Modern art gallery, Rome.
The TOP 2015 workshop will be held on the Ischia island in Italy
from September 14th to 18th.
The workshop will bring together the community of experimental and theoretical physicists working on top quark physics, 20 years after its first discovery, and at the beginning of the exploration of the new energy regime at the Large Hadron Collider. The workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest results from the LHC and Tevatron experiments as well as the most recent theoretical developments and an outlook on top-quark physics at future colliders.
The programme will consist of plenary presentations, a Poster Session, a Young Scientists Forum and 'Question and Answers' sessions, targeted for young researchers. A significant fraction of the workshop time will be devoted to discussions.
The goal of the workshop is to provide a comprehensive picture of top-quark physics and a forum where experimentalists and theorists can discuss the interpretation of top quark results and plan future measurements.
For any information or question please contact the Local Organizing Committee at: top2015@infn.it.
To send an e-mail to the International Advisory Committee use: top2015_iac@infn.it.
International Advisory CommitteeWerner Bernreuther (RWTH Aachen)Martin Beneke (TU Munich) Roberto Chierici (CNRS Lyon) Matteo Cremonesi (Fermilab) Frederic Deliot, chair (CEA/IRFU, Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette) Jorgen D'Hondt (VU Brussel) Keith Elllis (Fermilab) Andrea Giammanco (UC Louvain) Andreas Jung (Fermilab) Alison Lister (Univ. of British Columbia) Fabio Maltoni (UC Louvain) Michelangelo Mangano (CERN) Alex Mitov (Cambridge) Mihoko Nojiri (KEK) Antonio Onofre (LIP Minho) Gilad Perez (Weizmann) Roberto Tenchini (INFN Pisa) Scott Willenbrock (UIUC) |
Local Organizing CommitteeMaria Grazia Alviggi (Univ. of Naples "Federico II")Roberto Bonciani (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza") Gianpaolo Carlino (INFN Naples) Vittorio Del Duca (INFN LNF) Marcella Diemoz (INFN Rome-I) Francesco Fabozzi (Univ. of Basilicata) Alberto Orso Maria Iorio (Univ. of Naples "Federico II") Luca Lista (INFN Naples) Fabrizio Margaroli (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza") Barbara Mele (INFN Rome-I) Paolo Meridiani (INFN Rome-I) Antonello Davide Polosa (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza") Shahram Rahatlou (Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza") Marco Rescigno (INFN Rome-I) Elvira Rossi (Univ. of Naples "Partenope") Francesco Tramontano (Univ. of Naples "Federico II") |
This event is funded and organized by INFN, INFN - Naples, INFN - Roma I, Univ. of Naples "Federico II", Phys. Dept. Univ. "Federico II", Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza". Support has also been received by CAEN.
© 2024 INFN, all rights reserved. Last update: 13 September 2015